Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Awful Truth

I'm getting old.

In the mornings as I blowdry my hair, I notice a few shiny strands peeking out, quickly disappearing as I brush my hair back. Grey hair. They used to be so random. Popping up here and there every once in a while. Now they are more frequent. I sometimes stare in the mirror and run my fingers through to see if I can spot another and pluck it out before it gets too long and noticeable. And I'm not the type to believe that plucking one grows 6 more. If I can grab that single strand, it's coming out.

More proof I'm aging. I have no patience for traffic. I used to love driving around and sitting in traffic. I remember when we were younger, when we first got our licenses, my friend Andrea and I went out one night and sat in a massive traffic jam. We would open our windows and chat up drivers in the next cars over and it was a blast. I used to leave 30 minutes earlier for plans so I could drive the long way to get to my intended destination. I thought about that today as I was stuck in rush hour. All I wanted to do was get home and plop on the couch.

And who calls the police over music? I used to start my night at 10:30, not end it.

I'm a few months from 31, but somehow I feel much older.


Mad Housewife said...

My husband is 32 and I am 24, so I keep him feeling young. Dye that gray right out of your hair.

Jay said...

You used to love sitting around in traffic? Maybe you're not getting old, you're getting sane.

I would die for your grays. I've been dying mine gray!

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

You're not old Jodi, you're approaching your peak!