Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Blog Under Maintenance

When I started this blog, I had no idea what it would be. What would make up my stories? Would I talk about my day? Would I talk about my life and family? What would drive me to write?

Looking back, all of my blogs are pretty lighthearted. Rants about what makes me tick. Neighbors who would assumably choose to live in a trailer rather than expedite their home repairs. Raves about what I like. Websites that made me laugh. Even a few travelogues.

I never wrote anything from the heart, choosing (an attempt at) humor instead. I sometimes question blogging my hurt, my confusion, my anger alongside the other stuff, but always chose not to because it was safer that way. Do I really want to open myself up? By being somewhat anonymous and not letting anyone know what I'm about, I'm sort of protecting myself, right?

I'm getting a little bored with a sugar-coated blog. Maybe I need to revamp things a bit.


Quycksilver said...

I feel the same way--but you're braver than I am--you at least blog under your real name (don't you?) . . .

Jodi said...

Yeah, it's my real name. I'm kind of boring like that.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...