Thursday, July 07, 2005


My mind is blank.

I just don't know what to write.

I'm sad for the Brits today. To have to go through what we did. Anger, confusion, sadness. I wonder if it's someone's birthday. I can relate.

Work is busy. First a lull. Then piles of paperwork. Landing on my desk all at once.

My contact lens ripped last weekend, so I've been wearing glasses all week. I seem more alert with my contacts in. Like they are made with caffeine. I seem more absent-minded with my glasses on. Forgetful.

I quietly wished my neighbors a happy anniversary. A year ago, July 5th, it happened. Nothing has changed. Trailer is still there. Dogs are still barking. I've grown tired of fighting. But that could be because I'm wearing glasses. My other neighbors, on the other side, have a young daughter. And last weekend, they put one of those inflatable pools on the side of their house, facing mine. When she was in the pool with her daddy, the dogs were barking. Scaring her I would imagine. The father wasn't too happy. Maybe that is all it would take to get the dogs off my lawn. A father, angry because his little girl is too scared to play in her pool now.

To my friends across the water, Daniel, this includes you. Know that we think of you today. I wish my arms were long enough to reach out to you.


Mad Housewife said...

What happened in London is just plain awful.

Sorry your contact lens ripped. I be the glasses make you look sophisticated. Why don't we ever see pictures of you? I bet you're stunning.

Sorry your neighbours are still camped out in their back yard. Fighting never solved anything so don't do it if you don't feel up to it anymore. But, seriously, where is their waste going? Is their "black tank" hose hooked up to a sewer line, or did they just dig a hole in the ground for it?

Special *HUGS* go out to Jodi's English blog readers, especially Daniel, as he is also a friend of mine.

Quycksilver said...

Oh the irony of hearing about the bombs online and feeling incredibly sad for my English friends, and then getting my morning paper and seeing the picture of the Trafalgar Square celebreation yesterday re: the 2012 London Olympics. Irony is especially cruel today.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...
