(If you need backstory, Scroll down and read (in order) "Neighborly Advice," "Waiting is the hardest part," "Neighborhood Justice, Part 3," and "I'm Drained,")
I called the Board of Health this morning to follow-up on my fire retardant neighbors. I left a message, which I am so used to doing when I call the town, and waited for my usual callback. And it came.
The Building Inspector never called her, because she never knew of the situation before I called. I told her how I called the Fire Investigator, who provided me with information and referred me to the Building Inspector, who provided me with more information and who had indicated the need for the Board of Health's involvement. Hence my phone call to her. She pulled out a complaint form.
Board of Health: Is the trailer on your property?
Me: Not on my property, but close to my property line.
(I also mention the dogs, who like to poop on my property.)
BOH: We usually need 24 hours in advance before we do an on-site, so it can't be tomorrow. And since Monday is Memorial Day, we won't be able to go out there until Tuesday. Is that okay?
Me: Sure.
BOH: Okay, so we'll just talk to them about getting the dogs off your property.
Me: Um.. actually, the dogs aren't my concern. Well, they are, but I'm more concerned about the trailer.
BOH: We can't evict the family and leave them out on the street.
Me: I don't want to evict them. That's not the reason for my call.
BOH: I know the reason for your call. You want the dogs off your property.
Me: No, that's not the reason for my call. I'm just curious about the status of home repairs. The Building Inspector mentioned that it could be a violation of health code for them to be in the trailer as long as they have been. That's my concern. I just mentioned the dogs when you mentioned the property line.
She talks about how it isn't unusual for this to take a year, that it often takes a year to get the insurance reimbursement. I suddenly feel like an ass for calling if this is standard procedure, even though the Fire Inspector and Building Inspector seemed empathetic about the whole thing.
BOH: So I could still go over there to discuss the dog situation.
I really don't want her to just go over there for the dog situation. I imagine her walking up to the trailer door and telling them to get their dogs off my property, then tell them to have a nice day as she walks away. I tell her this.
BOH: Once a call is entered, we have to act on it.
Me: Could this be an anonymous complaint?
BOH: Sure, I could say that we received an anonymous complaint about the dogs defecating in their neighbor's yard.
I tell her that it wouldn't be so anonymous since we're the only neighbors whose yard is within leash distance.
BOH: Then I'll go over for a routine visit and see how they're making out. Is that okay?
Me: Will I get a callback?
BOH: Not unless you want to erase the anonyminity. Whoever we call becomes detailed into the record.
Me: Then, can I call you?
BOH: Yes. (She sounds defeated.)
So that's it. I left out more of the conversation where she reiterates again how no judge will allow her to evict a family and leave them on the street. I think she just likes saying that because I never, and would never, allude to that idea. All I wanted, I told her, was information.
And somehow I don't think I'll ever get it.
Yuck. What a drag. It sounds like you got caught by a dead end person. You know, one of those buearocrats who makes everything slow down or stop. Is there anyone else you could talk to? Just to get information? Good luck!
you should just talk to your neighbours jodi.
We did try. Ken saw the wife outside and mentioned that he noticed the dogs were going to the bathroom in our yard and could she please shorten the leash to keep them in her yard. She nodded her head and smiled and nothing has been done. Dogs are still in our yard.
Good God, do you live in MIssouri, I have gone through the same round about red tape myself.
I wish you luck on solving this issue.
The Board of Health person must have been my ex-girlfriend!
Either that or they share tips on how to listen to people.
I agree with the other jodi--what a drag! But good for you for following through with all of this--I would just put it off and put it off and get madder and madder . . .
Keep hasslin 'em but in a nice way.
Ugh. Why are things so complicated?
Even if it does take up to a year for insurance reimbursement, that trailor is a health violation. Where are they dumping their waste tank? Do they have a direct sewer line that is RV approved or neighborhood/city approved? What about electrical? If they're hooked up to their half-burned house, then they obviously have the 120 adapter to make it so, and that is a potential fire hazard in itself. Does the electric company know of this? And even if they are still waiting on the insurance settlement, then they should have mae other arrangements like renting a house or apartment, staying with family, etc. That trailor could be harmful to YOUR health, not just theirs. The sewer thing bugs me. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. Can you smell their waste tank? I have a fifth wheel travel trailor, and I'm familiar with all the hook-ups and proceedures for these things. If you need any questionas about travel trailors and waste information, I can tell you whatever you need to know. Just ask, I'd be happy to help.
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